Increase milk yield of the Cattle/Cow/Buffalo/Goat/Sheep
Introducing LACTASHOT L Improve Milk Production & Better Milk Let down
Milk Let down is a major concern in Indian Dairies.
Lactoshot is created for cattle and high yielding animals. It contains all necessary nutrition supplements such as Organic Minerals, Vitamins, Aamino-Acids Omega Fatty Acid (3, 6, 7, and 9), Tannins, Volatile Ester & Carotenoids, & Vitamin B6 for cattle and other milk-producing animals.
Indications & Benefits:
Improves regeneration of Secretary cells
Improves secretion of Natural Prolactin and Oxytocin Hormone
Stimulate Udder Alveoli for Milk Synthesis & ejectio
Improves udder health and fast recovery from Mastitis
Adult Cattle / Buffalo: 25 ml / day for 10 days.
Increases milk protein and solid non fat (SNF) levels of overall milk