Ticfix is properly constructed product that has been made for both cats and dogs of all breed and sizes.
It is a natural Flea and Tick repellent spray that kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks on contact from your pet’s skin and fur.
For effective treatment and prevention of all life stages of ectoparasites i.e. tick (including ticks responsible for tick fever), flea (flea allergy dermatitis) and lice in Dogs and Cats.
For Acute Fleas, Ticks and Chewing Lice Infestation on dogs and cats
Faster results, less drug exposure and massive cost savings
Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine For Dogs,
Prevents Pets from Fleas, Lice and Ticks infestation, itching
Effective treatment of Ecto-parasiticidal
Spray in Sufficient Quantity Once or Twice Daily Until Complete Cure Is
Keep your Furrybabies TICK FREE with the help of TICFIX